Coillabus Cottage
The Mull of Oa
Holiday on Islay
What our visitors say
To do at Coillabus
Bookings and rates
Useful links

The Oa is rich in fauna and flora: wild goats, otters,
rare golden eagles and choughs are fellow residents
in the area. The cottage is within walking distance of,
or a short car drive away from, the new RSPB 
reserve at Upper Killeyan and Kinnabus.
Killeyan, Gaol and Port an Eas beaches are
hidden gems.
Photo: Graham
Nowadays only a few families remain in an area
which was once heavily populated. Next to the
cottage lie the stones which are all that remain
of the homes of 26 families living there
before the clearances.

There are also seldom visited iron age and Celtic sites including a chambered  cairn reputed to be the grave
of the warrior Connachan. Be sure to explore the rarely trodden paths of the Oa.
A silent place with many secrets.
